Magnolia Home Inspections is OPEN, operating as an essential business. Our commitment during COVID-19
The “Our commitment during COVID-19” should be a link that opens up our letter to realtors sent on March 23rd. I think hosting this letter as a blog post would keep it simple.
Magnolia Home Inspections will be safely conducting business this week as an essential business, defined in the “Safer at Home Order” that is to take affect tonight at 12 a.m. Magnolia Home Inspections provides a legal service, not only in consulting clients about mitigating the risks of one of the largest investments they will make in a lifetime but also with the creation of the home inspection report. At Magnolia Home Inspections we treat a home inspection report as a legal document specifically tailored with the expectation that each report will be read by multiple parties including:
- Buyers;
- Sellers;
- Buyers’ Agents;
- Sellers’ Agents;
- Structural Engineers;
- Contractors;
- Attorneys;
- Judges or Arbitrators.
Magnolia Home Inspectors will be continuing with safety protocols and optimizing social distancing as suggested by health organizations. If the owner of a property has any questions or concerns about our safety measures please have them call me directly at my personal cellphone at 615-946-5407. To review our earlier announcement of safety protocols released last week, please see this list:
- Everyone involved in the inspection process will be washing their hands with hand-sanitizer before entering the home and immediately after exiting the home, before entering our trucks
- Cell phones will be sanitized and left in the truck
- Everyone will be avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth during the inspection
- Outside of our normal job duties all inspectors will be avoiding contact with large groups
- Anyone involved in the inspection process who is not feeling well will be staying at home
Last week every individual we came into contact with (Realtors, Sellers and Buyers) were all very happy to have us in the home to help move the purchasing process forward. I am very encouraged to believe that our community is on the same page, optimistically cautious about the cycle of this virus.
One of the most important services we can provide our community today is to maintain a strong, optimistic attitude and WORK! We will continue to do our part to keep our strong economy moving forward even if at a slower pace!
Keep hustling!
Owner, Magnolia Home Inspections